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Label Assessment: Percentage Protein in Koi and Pond Fish Food

Assessment 4: Protein percent.

Fish meal is the most commonly used, and the preferred protein source in Koi and pond fish food
Fish meal is the most commonly used, and the preferred protein source in Koi and pond fish food

Let’s say a company who is tailoring a feed to the prevailing market-climate wants to use FOUR aquacultural proteins, and tosses in shrimp, kelp, spirulina, and squid meal. That would be AWESOME! But it could jack up the proteins to a level unsuitable for fish, or at least unnecessary (and expensive).

The protein level in a decent diet should be about 32-36% …Partly because Koi can’t digest more than that in one pass. I don’t know that feeding MORE than that is a “Bad Thing” because fish will simply pass what they don’t digest.

So, looking for minimums, and recognizing that an outrageously high protein percentage you might be paying for is unnecessary, are the two take-away tidbits on this assessment.

Some foods go to 40% protein and that’s okay.